Friday, January 1, 2010

January Kid Craft ideas

Bird Feeders-
Using either popsicle sticks or a pinecone

Popsicle Stick Bird Feeder

You'll Need:
Hot glue gun
Popsicle sticks
Peanut butter or honey
Bird seed
String or yarn

Create a shape (triangle, star, etc.) with the popsicle sticks and then hot glue. Next, with your child, coat the form with peanut butter or honey. Then sprinkle with bird seeds. Let dry (place one a baking sheet or waxed paper. Attach a string and hang for your birdie buddies to enjoy!

Pincecone Bird Feeder

You'll Need:
Peanut butter or honey
Bird seed
String or yarn

Find a nice looking pinecone! Next, with your child, coat the pinecone with peanut butter or honey. Then sprinkle with bird seeds. Let dry (place one a baking sheet or waxed paper. Attach a string and hang for your birdie buddies to enjoy!

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